WE DO NOT ACCEPT Medi-Cal or Medi-Cal state-sponsored plans


WE DO NOT ACCEPT Medi-Cal or Medi-Cal state-sponsored plans


Who We Are

Welcome to

We Care Urgent Care

We Care Urgent Care and Wellness Center was founded as a team effort in order to provide something better than standard medical care. At the forefront of our organization are Sara Green and Joshua Green. The couple met while working in the emergency room together, and have been married for seven years. They have two wonderful children. With their experience in health care, they have decided that health care can be done a little better.

We Care will be staffed primarily with individuals experienced in the emergency room, rather than other, less hands-on fields of medicine. An emergency room doctor will be present during most hours. Unlike an emergency room, the long wait times, impersonal attitude, and exposure to dangerous individuals will be removed. The experience will be tailored to the patients and thorough explanations of care will be provided to our guests.
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Meet Our Staff

Meet Sara Green

Our Founder

Sara is a fascinating woman. She was born in Armenia, where she graduated high school two years early, at age 16. Her mother was then approved to become a citizen of the United States, and moved to Granada Hills, where she earned two master’s degrees and a supervisory role in health information management. Sara made the difficult choice to accompany the mother with whom she had an unbreakable bond. She quickly learned English as her third language while working full time plus in the medical field and going to school. While finishing her first degree in health information management, she met her future husband and they decided to start a family. A role that she loves.
However, her drive to use her unique intelligence and desire to help people propelled her to overcome the hurdles to start her own medical clinic to help people in her community. With so much encouragement from those who worked with and knew her, and an abundance of energy, she made the dream a reality. And so, We Care was born. She has and continues to create and organize charity fundraisers to help those in need.

Meet Dr. Joshua Green

Our Medical Director

Dr. Joshua Green has similar motivations for patient care. He was trained and board certified in emergency medicine, with over 12 years of full-time experience in the field. He has worked in Emergency rooms in L.A. County for most of that time. Throughout his training, he was very active in medical missions to foreign countries and outreach projects. After his second medical mission overseas, he was elected president of the organization DOCARE. He organized and led a compassionate mission of medical aid throughout Ecuador, passing into the Amazon rain forest. He won the Physician Service Excellence All Star award at his hospital in 2017 and continues to thrive on helping people with medical needs. 

According to Joshua, the greatest role of his life is that of father. He intends to stay close to home from now on, and work only in his community. When asked if he was overqualified for urgent care, he answered “absolutely not”.  His experience in treating everything from constipation to cardiac arrest had prepared him perfectly for helping the community in the urgent care setting. In seeing more than ten thousand patients in his life, he has the expertise to patch people up, manage medications, and recognize when a minor complaint could be something more serious.  He also tries to see the patient as whole person rather than merely a medical complaint. 

Insurances Accepted

We Care Urgent Care is currently accepting the following insurance(s)PPO and most HMO plans :

At present, we are unable to accommodate Medi-Cal or Medi-Cal state-sponsored plans.

However, we do accept 

 Medicare and Medi-Cal (also known as Medi-Medi).

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Schedule an Appointment

Ready to schedule an appointment at We Care Urgent Care? Give us a call at (818) 850-7129.
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